And miles to go before I sleep And miles to go before I sleep.. This has been and will be my only resolution throughout my life.

I am sure you too must have prepared a list of resolutions. If not a list, there must be at least a wish. A wish to bring a change in life. Another year, another beginning, another great opportunity to start afresh. Forget about what has happened and take a dive into new adventures. Is saal kuch toh tufani karenge. Hai na?
While we all do plan to do several things, most fail to stick to it. Well, including me. Consistency goes on toss. Nine days of doing the new thing. We start off our January with so much enthusiasm and later consistency goes on a backfoot and we go back to our previous track. We keep postponing everything to ‘Tomorrow’ and our tomorrow never comes.
We actually do know what is wrong! We don’t even have to find the answer. We know what is missing. It’s the lack of constant motivation and hunger for change. Constant motivation because we all know, the motivation we get is many a times, temporary. It lasts for a few hours and will never work when you are thinking of snoozing the alarm, or relaxing on your cozy bed or scrolling on the social media.
No, I am not any motivational speaker and I am not here to give you any short term motivation. Because I too have had enough of that. You need to find your own motivation that lasts forever and makes you jump out of bed and do things. The hunger to change must reside in us every minute, every breath. Every person has different things to chase, different goals to achieve and in the same way, every person has different motivating alarm that has no snooze button. It will keep you on the track. We just have to find it. Have you found yours?
If not, I hope you do very soon and feed your hunger. We might not know what the future holds for us but we do know how we want our present to look like. Make every new moment a great opportunity to start. All the Best.

Listen to “Resolution” on Spotify and Amazon Music.