When the world closes the door, all things shutting down, No way you see, Nowhere to go, Worthless you feel, So much you owe...

Is there really nothing that can be done? All things I once loved aren't anymore fun. Is this the end? How do I mend? The lost hopes, Difficult to cope. The drained soul, Looking at faraway goal. Exhausted body, Frozen, still and steady. Uneasy breath, wishing for death. Surrounded with questions, So many suggestions. But no solution and I cannot be living in delusion.

No solution, no path, All that I think I need is magic, A magic that can induce some movement in life again, A magic that can bring the flow again, A magic that can ease the breath again, A magic that can ignite the faith again, A magic that can just help me live again. All those proverbs I read I wish I can bring into life and make it happen in reality. "There's always a ray of hope" -they say and I am waiting for that ray looking out for the positive comeback "Everything happens for a reason" - they say what might be the reason behind this? "There is light at the end of the tunnel - they say but all I see is never ending darkness. "Keep a little fire burning" - they say how do I? when everything keeps extinguishing the fire. how do I? I am afraid that the little fire burning will either burn me someday or quench the tiny flame forever

" Hope is best gained after defeat and failure"- they say but this defeat is defeating me inside out "Accept whatever it is" -they say but what's the next step after that? "Learn from the defeat"- they say but where to imply these lessons learnt if I have no opportunities? "And opportunities are created" - they say Well I am stuck I am stuck here trying to figure my way out, splashing and trying to move, dusting and shaking it off but all in vain No I am not waiting for opportunities to knock on my door but I am also tired of building doors, I am tired of keeping the doors open and wandering out looking for something that might help I am tired of not being able to create opportunities. I am just .. tired Just when I am about to give up will I find something worthy? Just when I am about to let it go Will I Find something to hold on? Just when I am about to surrender Will I find my courage back? This is not the beginning and somewhere I know, its not the end. Its not the end, Its not the end, Its not the end and I am still in this game I still have time..

As I say this I find my way back my way back into love my way back into my track my way back to life This is what I have received these are all the challenges I am sent with this is the life I got and this is my only chance to face it, what so ever I think I should just stop waiting I think I should just stop looking out I think I should just stop and i think i should just go with the flow come what may Yes I am ready to take all of it head on I am ready and lets face it I am going to win maybe not today but some day I am ready To win To conquer To achieve I am ready to live again

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