Have you ever observed the crowd? While walking, travelling, while sitting on a park bench? No judging, just observing people around you. So many people on this planet yet everybody is designed differently. Everybody is born different. We all think different, love different things, dislike different things. What we are and what we have is unique and incomparable. our body, our color, our thoughts, our purpose of life. Everything is unique.

Have you ever imagined, what would happen if all the people in the world had the same purpose in life and followed the same passion and did the same job? Or what if everybody looked similar, if everybody had same hair, same body type, same skin color? The world would be a boring place to live in. Wouldn’t it? And that is why we all are born different. And that is why we have our own unique qualities. But then why do we feel inferior sometimes? Why do we wish for fairness, more height, flat stomach, 0 size, blah blah blah. We keep wishing for something unattainable and feel depressed. And why do we wish for all those unattainable things? Because we feel inferior, because we feel we do not fit in the expectation box of the society, and because we do not know how to accept ourselves. The inferior complexity created by the society in us makes us do stupid things that cripple our individuality. The worst thing we do is we compare ourselves with others.. We stop living for ourselves and care more for what people will think.
But for what? To make other people happy? You know what, people will still have something to comment on. You are too thin, don’t you eat? You are too short. Didn’t your mom give you something to increase your height? You are so fat , you should eat less. And oh the Tv commercials. Apply our cream and you will be 2 shades fairer in 7 days. So many unsolicited advices. You scored so less in exams, you won’t get admission for engineering. Why did you take arts? Your parents are doctors then why don’t you want to become a doctor? Oh so you dance/paint? But what do you do for a living?
Don’t choose that, don’t wear that, do this do that.
Hey hey hey. Hold on!!! Breath. And ask yourself. Why am I changing my personality? Where’s my essence? Why is it missing in me? Am I liking what I am doing? Am I liking the person I am becoming? If the answer is a ‘CLEAR NO’ then you must become wise and realize your worth. You have the right to choose the best for you. The universe has gifted you a lovely body and lovely soul with a beautiful purpose and passion. Should you be interfering in something that is not in your hands?
Graduation at the age of 22, Employment at 23, Marriage at 25, kids at 27 and retire at 55.
Who made these rules? Surely not the Universe. You might achieve a lot too soon or might be lacking behind due to some reasons. Success and failures are not equally distributed to all. You might not be walking on the time track designed by the society. You are not too slow or you are not too fast. You are walking on your own time, creating your unique identity. What you have is unique. I repeat What you have is unique. The body, the qualities, everything is unique. To cherish that uniqueness is to live life happily. You might not be best at something that somebody else is best at but you are best at your things. You were never given this birth if you had nothing special in you. You are born because you are special. And that is what we all need to do. Feel blessed to be what we are and what we have. Acceptance is the key to happiness. The day we learn acceptance, we will learn to be happy. If we nurture our bodies and minds with positivity, and strive to work on it.. we will reach great heights with our uniqueness.
Lets say No to self doubts No to insecurity, yes to self worth.

Listen to Cherish Your Uniqueness on Spotify and Amazon Music.