Do you ever feel lost ? Do you find it hard to get back on track? Do you ever feel like there's no way to come back?

Have you ever felt comfort in the depth?
Do you find so much comfort in the depth that you make it your home? And it feels like a tough task to swim back to the shore. So you stay there. In the depth, hoping that a lifeguard will come and find you or maybe just hoping no one ever finds you. You know, this new home you have made is not your real home. You know that. It’s just a place giving you comfort away from all the chaos, away from all the mess. And you know you cannot stay here for long. But no matter how much you try, the weight of thoughts keeps drowning you down. And you are left with no other choice than to just.. surrender. Is this the end? You wonder.

Its not. You are just tired. And its not the end. Its not the end because you haven’t given your 100% yet. Giving up when you know you have the potential to bounce back is not really an option. It’s not the end yet. Sure, starting back from zero all over again is difficult. But impossible? Never. Rock bottom is the best place to start because you have nothing to lose. There’s only one option left when you are in the bottom. The option to keep striving and to work your way up. Yes that takes a whole lot of effort, and its going to be scary. But all of this is gonna be worth it someday. So its not the end.

There’s so much going on in all of our lives. There’s so much depth in the words we speak and in the words we don’t. So many of rough rides of emotional roller coaster in the head. So many thoughts clouding up, floating with a hope to burst it open with the rain of emotions. Not necessarily pain. There’s so much of so many emotions accumulated in our hearts and in our minds. Every kind of emotion which never got any chance to express, is always suppressed, buried deep down. Because there’s a fear to express. Because there’s always a fear of what happens if..
And so you never try to be vulnerable. But To be vulnerable is not to be weak. The acceptance of who you are and what you have within is the first step towards letting your heart breath freely. Embracing the vulnerability, although uncomfortable, is your strength.
And its not easy to step out from the comfort. It's not easy. Its not easy to let go, its not easy to hold on, its not easy to accept and its not easy to move on. Its neither easy to forget nor to forgive. And its not easy to either let it out or store it in. It all takes time. It takes time to understand what's going on and let it sip in. And that's okay. It takes time to gather the courage It takes time to shut the negative chatter in the head and bring back the positive mindset. And Its okay to take some time. The time to vent it all out , relax a bit, and understand that You do need to give yourself a chance, You do need to give yourself the time to heal, To have the faith, to bring back the fighting spirit, to bounce back. Its never too late So, Take your time And start again Because its not the end.

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