I gained 7 kilos in this lock down. It’s been my long time dream and it has finally come true. I have fallen in love with my body all over again. I tried all the ways but didn’t succeed. I implemented a few changes in my eating habits . There was a time when I ignored food but now I am eating every damn thing and I am eating almost all the time. I know I have gained more fats. Even these fats were impossible for me to gain earlier. Because of the typhoid phase, I became weaker and weaker with less immunity. But things have changed for the better. And it happens when you are mentally peaceful and have a good frequency with the Universe.
There are many people out there who want to gain weight but failed. Probably, you are here, reading this because you too want to gain weight. So, I decided to jot down the points that helped me. I hope it helps you too.
But wait.. I am not here to tell you any diet plan because no diet plan really worked with me. I am here to tell you something that I believe in and has helped me. You might not believe what I am saying but you have to trust me.
To start with- I want you to do something right now. I want you to close your eyes, take deep breaths, feel your body and appreciate yourself. The first step to bring the change starts here. Only when you accept your body as it is, you will be able to bring the necessary or desired changes.
So, points to remember when you are eating-
1. Keep that phone away.
There’s nothing so important than your food. You can work, talk, watch, scroll Facebook or Instagram later.

2. No stress please
Make sure you keep your anger aside and calm yourself before you have your food. The state of mind you eat in affects your health.
3. No TV
Try to avoid watching tv while eating. Because your food needs all the attention.
4. Gratitude
Be thankful for your food, water and everything. Because there are so many people out there who are dying of hunger.

5. Old tradition
Remember how old people chanted ‘Vadani Kaval gheta’ before having food. We should really bring back all the traditions. It helps you align your vibration to create awareness.
To conclude with- eat peacefully in a good environment. That’s it. Very simple but very difficult to follow. Give it a try and let me know what changes you see. And yeah don’t forget to wash your hands before eating. Stay Safe. Hope you all are taking care of yourselves & all those around you.
Spread love because love is magic.
Stay safe.